

Monday, April 05, 2010

Psalms 37:4
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall grant you the desires of your heart!

Praise the Lord! My bro blessed me with a guitar! Though it's 2nd hand, passed down from his friend, my i'm still excited about it!
Indeed, God is faithful to me as I stay faithful in Him!
It's only the 2nd month into Arise and Build, and I receive a blessing!
I'm so excited and elated about what God is going to do over the next 3 months and more Arise and Build to come!

Exhalt the Glorious Name of the Lord! =D

live to fullest! 1:02 AM.
Saturday, April 03, 2010

It's a day filled with gratefulness. =)
I'm grateful and i thank God for everything that he've done.. Everything. =)

I'm blessed to be in City Harvest, my spiritual family that loves and cares.
i'm blessed to have Pst Kong, Sun and all the leaders of the family to be guiding and leading us.
I'm blessed to have a have a physical family that bonds together.
I'm blessed to have have known everyone that i've acquainted.
I'm blessed to have the favour of men over my life.
and most importantly, i'm grateful to my Lord Jesus in this Easter. =)

He've came and gave us His life and blood in exhange for our salvation, love, peace, hope, future, and many many more things
There's no way i can live without Him.. =)
And i need Him continuously in the rest of my days and eternity.

What an awesome, incredible, loving, merciful and glorious God.
There's only 1 way i can express my gratitude for him...
I love you Lord. =)

live to fullest! 11:41 PM.


Kai Lin
City Harvest Church
WR Zone
Temasek Polytechnic
Psychology and Early Childhood Studies!

designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG